Thursday, May 16, 2013

Setting up Bloomberg Portfolio Tracker has a portfolio tracker that helps its users to monitor or track down the performance of stocks, funds or indexes.

Just follow the steps below to setup your portfolio tracker in
(PDF Format:  Bloomberg Watchlist Set Up )

1. Sign in with your personal Bloomberg Account at

If you do not have an account in, you can click on this link : Bloomberg Personal Accout Registration.

2. Click on “Watchlist” link on the upper right portion of Bloomberg page. “Watchlist (Portfolio Tracker)” can also be found under “PERSONAL FINANCE” tab.

3. After clicking the link, you will be redirected to Watchlist page where you can manage and monitor your portfolio.

4. You can add the Stocks, Funds or Indexes on your portfolio tracker by simply searching on their symbol. It will automatically added to your “Recent Quote” watchlist. This is the default name of your watchlist.

5. You can rename the default Watchlist name by clicking the setting symbol beside it. You can also change the default currency based on your locality. Click “SAVE WATCHLISTS” to take effect the changes.

6. To add the number of shares of your stocks or funds, go to “HOLDING” tab. Input the date, no. of shares (position) and price. Click on “ADD” button.

7. You can add, delete, edit your Watchlist under “EDIT” tab.  You can also browse on other tab to check on the fundamental information and earnings of your portfolio. Always click on “SAVE CHANGES” button to reflect the changes on your portfolio.

8. To can have an Excel copy of your Watchlist by simply clicking “Download this Watchlist as a Spreadsheet” located on the lower portion of the page.

For PDF Format: click this link - Bloomberg Watchlist Set Up

If you do not have an account in, you can click on this link : Bloomberg Personal Accout Registration.

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